
Technological solutions applied at “Turov Dairy Industrial Complex” have been jointly worked out with Italian specialized companies professionally engaged in design of similar technological lines. Development of formulations and technologies was carried out with attraction of Italian experts.

The main equipment intended for milk procession is completed based on the solutions of the leading European manufacturers, whose technologies are occupying within the decades the leading positions in the world rating. The main advantage is the maximum output of the finished products and absence of protein in the course of the technological process, that essentially influences the products manufacturing cost.

Maximum technological process automation minimizes the human factor impact on products quality by allowing the real making of the tasty and healthy cheese.

Milk products production technology with the use of equipment installed at the company refers to ecologically pure productions in compliance with the EU standards.

Modern local cleaning facilities are operated at “Turov Dairy Industrial Complex”. The issue of whey disposal has been resolved by means of biogas generation and its further use at the company’s boiler plant, that makes it possible to prevent methane discharges to atmosphere and to exclude pollution of waste water with waste products of milk procession. Owing to disposal and deodorization of milk effluents the highly effective decontaminated organic fertilizers have been provided. Application of a biogas unit makes it possible to avoid pollution of air and water pools, soil and seeds of Zhitkovichi and adjacent regions.

High quality of the output production is one of the main components of “Turov Dairy Industrial Complex” development strategy.

Observance of safety and hygienic standards is important for output of high quality food products.

The quality and safety management system of food products of “Turov Dairy Industrial Complex” complies with the national and European legislation, and it has been developed and introduced in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001, STB ISO 22000.

The introduced management systems ensure output of safe food products of the highest quality, what makes it possible to supply competitive products.

The production laboratory of “Turov Dairy Industrial Complex” complies with the criteria of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus, and it is certified for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO/IEC 17025.

The laboratory performs physical, chemical, microbiological, radiological tests of cow milk and finished products for compliance with the requirements of specifications, as well as technical regulations, which establish sanitary, epidemiologic and hygienic standards for raw materials and products.